Okay, just had to that out of the way. But seriously, I am so excited for Danni + John! The two of them are so great together, and I can’t wait to be the annoying and crazy sister-in-law to John. Sorry in advance, John!
When I think about the two of them, there are a few things that immediately jump to mind. The first is Disney. The two of them share an obsession with all things Disney, and I can’t say that I disagree. Disney is the best. The end. But seriously, the first trip the two of them took together was to the Happiest Place on Earth! At the time, they actually weren’t even a couple. It was a group trip with a bunch of friends, back in 2016. It wasn’t until early 2017 when they figured out that they would make a ridiculously cute couple, and they started dating.
Another thing that comes to mind is Harry Potter. I know what you’re thinking – what house are they in?! These are the important questions that need to be answered. Danni says she’s a Slytherin, but as her twin I’m going to vote that she’s more Ravenclaw. Yes, I’ll admit that she is ambitious and clever, which are some typical Slytherin-y traits. However, I see the ambition as more of knowledge-seeking and analytical. Hence, Ravenclaw. (I’m going to hear about this later.) John, to me, is Hufflepuff all the way. Sweet, loyal, & kind. Is it just me, or does Hufflepuff seem to get all the positive traits? Hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, fairness… it makes all the other houses look bad! Anyway, I digress.
So we have the love story between the Hufflepuff and the Ravencla – uhh…. I mean Slytherin. Where better to get engaged then HARRY POTTER WORLD, in OLLIVADER’S WAND SHOP? Nowhere. There is literally nowhere better. And that’s exactly what happened. John proposed, Danni said yes, and they got to spend the rest of their trip in Harry Potter World AND Disney. Good job, John.
So what is their relationship like? Well, in essence it’s based on giving and receiving as well as having and sharing. And the love that they give and have is shared and received. When I think of the love that these two givers and receivers share, I cannot help but envy the lifetime ahead of having and loving and giving… and then I can’t think of a good word for right here, but I’m going to go with receiving.
(No, I swear I’m not crazy. It’s all a “Friends” reference.)
So, in closing, welcome to the family, John! We’re so excited to have you. And I was honored to take these engagement photos for Danni + John. I couldn’t think of a more romantic and beautiful place than Branch Brook Park, home to over 5000 cherry blossom trees. The two of them love the Disney magic and the magic of Harry Potter, so I wanted to make their photos as magical as possible. Below are just a sample of the TONS of photos we took walking around the park. Can’t wait for their wedding in November! <3