Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend!  The kiddos had fun eating way too much chocolate and spending time with their cousins!  We started the weekend Friday evening with a fun Easter egg hunt and egg dyeing.  It was fun to see Andy dyeing the eggs all by himself.  Two dozen eggs later, he finally had enough!

Saturday my parents drove up, which Andy is always excited about.  He loves Face Timing with them throughout the week, but it’s not the same as seeing them in person!  He enjoyed running around with them, staying up late, and dyeing more eggs.  I’m pretty sure this kid ate more chocolate and candy than actual food this weekend.  Parents of the year, over here!

Sunday morning I forced the kids into uncomfortable, yet adorable, Easter outfits, and bribed them with more chocolate to take some pictures.  It’s getting increasingly harder to get either of them to look at the camera with even the slightest smile on their face.  Andy, in particular, has had just about enough when it comes to taking photos.  As you’ll see below, I managed to get a smile out of him by letting him hold a dumbbell.  No idea.  Don’t ask.  But it made him happy.  Matty, on the other hand, usually doesn’t mind cracking a smile or two for the camera.  However, now that he can literally RUN around the house, he wants nothing to do with sitting still.  By some miracle, he sat for 4 seconds.  Just enough time!

Individual shots are child’s play, however, compared to the group shot.  Here’s how it went: Sit Matty down, beg/plead with Andy to sit next to his brother, chase Matty down and put him back in his spot, pick Andy up and sit him next to Matty, Matty breakdown because he just wants freedom, slip Andy some chocolate to stand next to Matty…. and after all this, Andy would give me his grumpy face:

Well, it was worth a shot.

Photography aside, now that the two of them are older, things are starting to get a lot easier.  They entertain each other all the time, and it’s so much fun to see them play together and make each other laugh.  Matty looks up to Andy so much.  He follows him around, and Andy is an expert at cracking him up.  They had a fun weekend together, and loved seeing their cousins.  Here are some pictures from our fun Easter weekend!





  1. Dodie miller says:

    I love reading these! Fun times!🐇🐰🐣


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